S02:E07 - The Agency - Tricks of the Mind - Part 6
Cory Longenecker Cory Longenecker

S02:E07 - The Agency - Tricks of the Mind - Part 6

This is the sixth and final episode of a six part mini-arc, set while RemRem was off on one of her assignments. The specific time is not important: just know it takes place before the last streamed episode of The Agency.

Kren’s daughter, Lilora, has suddenly shown up in Suzail, ill, but recovering, and staying with Kaia. Kaia’s research into their past has not been fruitful, but Kren’s prying will lead him to Tsarra. And then there’s the pattern of stars on Lilora’s hand…

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S02:E06 - The Agency - Tricks of the Mind - Part 5
Cory Longenecker Cory Longenecker

S02:E06 - The Agency - Tricks of the Mind - Part 5

This is the fifth episode of a six part mini-arc, set while RemRem was off on one of her assignments. The specific time is not important: just know it takes place before the last streamed episode of The Agency.

Varan has had a similar experience to Tsarra, getting some insight into Tsarra’s past. Tsarra wakes to a hysterical Kren at the foot of their bed. What is in store for Kren?

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S02:E05 - The Agency - Tricks of the Mind - Part 4
Cory Longenecker Cory Longenecker

S02:E05 - The Agency - Tricks of the Mind - Part 4

This is the fourth episode of a six part mini-arc, set while RemRem was off on one of her assignments. The specific time is not important: just know it takes place before the last streamed episode of The Agency.

Varan has had a memory (dream?) of their childhood and their first meeting with Tsarra. The bond was immediately strong. Now it’s Tsarra’s turn to look to the past.

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S02:E04 - The Agency - Tricks of the Mind - Part 3
Cory Longenecker Cory Longenecker

S02:E04 - The Agency - Tricks of the Mind - Part 3

This is the third episode of a six part mini-arc, set while RemRem was off on one of her assignments. The specific time is not important: just know it takes place before the last streamed episode of The Agency.

RemRem has met with Terrance twice now — once in a dream and once in real life — and has had a vision of Tsarra. Why are these connections being made and by whom?

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S02:E03 - The Agency - Tricks of the Mind - Part 2
Cory Longenecker Cory Longenecker

S02:E03 - The Agency - Tricks of the Mind - Part 2

This is the second episode of a six part mini-arc, set while RemRem was off on one of her assignments. The specific time is not important: just know it takes place before the last streamed episode of The Agency.

With the mysterious Terrance Cattleman making an appearance in episode one, I’m sure you have many questions: where did he come from? Who does he work for? Why was he eating soup on horseback?

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S02:E02 - The Agency - Tricks of the Mind - Part 1
Cory Longenecker Cory Longenecker

S02:E02 - The Agency - Tricks of the Mind - Part 1

This is the first episode of a six part mini-arc, set while RemRem was off on one of her assignments. The specific time is not important: just know it takes place before the last streamed episode of The Agency.

While the Investigators of The Agency have been checking out leads, their research has piqued the interest of someone else. Someone new has eyes on The Agency now.

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Cory Longenecker Cory Longenecker

State of Vice and Villainy

Hey everyone. Just wanted to put an update out about how things are going to be slowing down a bit around here. Cory needs some vacation too!

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S01:E11 - Land of Confusion
Cory Longenecker Cory Longenecker

S01:E11 - Land of Confusion

Sometimes a story doesn’t have to be full of vice or villainy to be interesting.  This week’s story is an absolutely ridiculous look at the layers of conspiracy, deceit, and desperation of several thieve’s guilds and a merchant’s council, fumbling all over each other to keep power.

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S01:E10 Extra - The Blue Book
Cory Longenecker Cory Longenecker

S01:E10 Extra - The Blue Book

A book of unknown origin, found in the depths of the aquatic city of Myth Drannor, is brought to the surface. Known as the Bobenas Book, it is bone-white parchment bound in blue leather, it was cold to the touch. Inside, no one could decipher the strange writing and drawings. Even Elminster found difficulty in unlocking its secrets. Where is it today and what exactly is it?

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S01:E10 - Disquiet
Cory Longenecker Cory Longenecker

S01:E10 - Disquiet

So I was finally able to take a holiday, but only because the Lord and Lady were heading out on one of their own. I decided to travel to the Dalelands and explore the area. They aren't far from me, yet are unlike any place in Faerun. While on my travels, I heard stories of something strange going on in the Constable's tower in Daggerdale. The way people spoke of it, it seemed as if magic itself had taken over the building. So I traveled to Daggerdale, hoping to spend my time off being able to do some first hand research. Instead, I heard of something equally as strange, perhaps even connected.

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S01:E09 Extra - The Tribunal
Cory Longenecker Cory Longenecker

S01:E09 Extra - The Tribunal

The proprietors of a successful circus in Procampur decide that the tyrannical rule of the leaders needs to be righted. Using their purposefully designed tent for information gathering, they send “listeners” out to mine for anything useful. And while they are able to compile inordinate amounts of “dirt” on the ruling class, they can’t find a way to balance the scales. But just as they are ready to pack up and head to a new town, a final piece of information comes up that is too good not to act on.

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S01:E09 - Simulacrum
Cory Longenecker Cory Longenecker

S01:E09 - Simulacrum

When something unexplainable occurs, we often try to rationalize our way to a plausible meaning, looking to evidence to back up our theory. But what happens when the evidence itself is unexplainable? Where do we turn from there? How can we rationalize the irrational? Sometimes, the how and why cannot be answered and we have to find a way to reconcile what’s staring us in the face with what our minds cannot explain.

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S01:E08 Extra - Unlucky
Cory Longenecker Cory Longenecker

S01:E08 Extra - Unlucky

It’s in the nature of people to try to find the ends of things. We see roads, paths, stairways, and want to know where they lead and what we will find there. But we aren’t always meant to know what’s at the end and sometimes things exist to ensure we don’t find out. There’s a set of stairs in the jungle of Chult. Where do they lead?

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S01:E08 - Hunter's Mark
Cory Longenecker Cory Longenecker

S01:E08 - Hunter's Mark

Imagine your life as a logger. You get up early, travel deep into the forest before the sun rises, and begin felling trees. Ropes, axes, saws, and horses are the tools of your trade. You take a few breaks per day and eat a quick lunch, so that you can get more work done and collect more pay. And when the day is done and it’s time to go home, you’re tired, sweaty, and sore. The sun has set and it’s dark on the way back to the city. You share some ale with your workers on the cart ride home, already dreading getting up in a few hours just to do it again.

Now imagine on your way home seeing one of your co-workers lifted into the air and flung against a tree. How would you react? What would you do?

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S01:E02 Extra - Update - Missing in Lantan
Cory Longenecker Cory Longenecker

S01:E02 Extra - Update - Missing in Lantan

We have received a composite sketch of the missing woman, Faeona Pineless, from Sioda Springkeep, her boyfriend.

Please join our Discord to share what you know about this woman. We have a completely anonymous channel to protect your identity. There is a reward for any information that leads to finding her.

See the sketch in the main episode link here.

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S01:E07 Extra - The Stairway
Cory Longenecker Cory Longenecker

S01:E07 Extra - The Stairway

It’s in the nature of people to try to find the ends of things. We see roads, paths, stairways, and want to know where they lead and what we will find there. But we aren’t always meant to know what’s at the end and sometimes things exist to ensure we don’t find out. There’s a set of stairs in the jungle of Chult. Where do they lead?

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S01:E07 - The Disappearance of Calum Grimes
Cory Longenecker Cory Longenecker

S01:E07 - The Disappearance of Calum Grimes

Imagine your life as a logger. You get up early, travel deep into the forest before the sun rises, and begin felling trees. Ropes, axes, saws, and horses are the tools of your trade. You take a few breaks per day and eat a quick lunch, so that you can get more work done and collect more pay. And when the day is done and it’s time to go home, you’re tired, sweaty, and sore. The sun has set and it’s dark on the way back to the city. You share some ale with your workers on the cart ride home, already dreading getting up in a few hours just to do it again.

Now imagine on your way home seeing one of your co-workers lifted into the air and flung against a tree. How would you react? What would you do?

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S01:E06 Extra - What Lies Below
Cory Longenecker Cory Longenecker

S01:E06 Extra - What Lies Below

There are things in this world that are best left alone. Some are right in front of us; we can see the action and repercussions. But sometimes there are things we can’t see: the things that lie below. The quiet things. The deep things. The dark things. In this week’s extra, we take you to the Western Heartlands, where something has come to the surface.

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